OCTOBER 5, 2015


After a long day of rain the break came around dusk. The air was saturated with moisture but it almost felt like color was part of the moistness, as if I was breathing in pinkness! There was even a fragrance on the air as if the ground was exhaling it’s perfumes after a long dry summer, and at that moment it was water, bourne up from the ground as droplets of the exchange between ground and air. All the elements were at play. 

Earth, air, water, and the light was the last fire of the sun, and it kindled every thing together into a bloom of evening beauty. I always try and choose to put myself in the way of beauty.

10-5 scape L1001538

1 thought on “OCTOBER 5, 2015

  1. Tyler Haughey

    I’ve read and thoroughly enjoyed each and every post of yours so far this year, but this one may just be my favorite. Succinct yet endlessly descriptive – it’s a feeling/moment I have felt before but was never quite able to articulate, especially as eloquently as you have here. Looking forward to the last few months of your posts!



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