AUGUST 9, 2015

Ordinary Places

Night time, and the variety of color temperatures of street lighting, often make ordinary places into theatrical spaces. This back street in a tiny town took on a richness of color that made me go back after I walked past it, and take a real look. And we are all fortunate today in what the digital capacities of our cameras allow us to see and to render. But it’s the going back that counts.

\08-9 Night L1032239

5 thoughts on “AUGUST 9, 2015

  1. Peter Williams

    Yes, it’s the going back that counts 🙂
    How often do we walk/drive past something and it catches our eye for one reaso or another.
    Do we let it go, or do we act and return and make the picture. I always try and honour the feeling and go back and see what it’s about and make the picture.


    1. joelmeyerowitz2014 Post author

      The trouble with digital cameras today, as opposed to analog, is that they always go to sleep on you, and too often when something is immediate the camera isn’t. Still I use digital and practice keeping the camera and myself awake at all times.



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