DECEMBER 20, 2015

L’ Aixienne

I don’t know if Aixienne is used as the name of those women who live in Aix-en-Provence, but the old costumes, and those faces, brought to memory some 19th century paintings of women from Arles, L’ Arlesienne, if I remember correctly, maybe it was van Gogh, in any case when I passed by the 2 women in Aix and took in the hair styles, and garments, I had a flash of how it must have looked when everyone wore clothes like this, and how each town or region in the back country must have had their own specific identity.

How different from our contemporary esthetic where ‘branding’ is the force that unites all towns, cities, and even members of a generation. And how in every town today we find the same fashion names on the shopfronts along the streets.

Sometimes I long for the mom and pop stores of the past with all their individuality.

12-20 Aix L1003598

2 thoughts on “DECEMBER 20, 2015

  1. Renaud

    Dear Joel, unfortunately Aixienne does not exist in French (another exception, it is Aixoise) but this is a beautiful neologism that illustrates perfectly your point.
    Beautiful blog, reading it every day.
    Cheers and Merry Xmas.


    1. joelmeyerowitz2014 Post author

      Reno, Thank you for that clarification. I was hoping someone would inform me of the right usage. And thank you for following the blog which will soon come to it’s end. it has introduced me to many readers such as yourself, and I am grateful for that. All the best for the new year. Joel



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