MARCH 10, 2015

Time Machine

The camera is a time machine. It measures time in fractions of a second. It shows us the time of day. It describes the seasons. It reflects what kind of time we are having, if you look hard enough you might be able to see something of what the photographer was feeling, but that is open to discussion I am sure.

A photograph of a wall like this one tells me a lot. It’s not just about the colors – which are delicious – or the time of day it was made, but when I stood there what I saw was the passage of time etched into the life of the wall. The layers of color applied over different times of the building’s life. The wearing down of the colors and the walls themselves. The addition of a window, or a doorway, the closing up again, and other, invisible forces, too. For example; those arcs on the wall, how did they get there? They must have been from vines that grew over the wall and were strong enough to score the surface as the wind tossed them around, and like a protractor they left their geometry scraped into the wall.

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Time is told in this image by the sense of the freshening of the light. A spring urgency is just becoming visible in the newness of the grasses and in the silver glitter of the olive trees. Time is present to me in the way I feel on a day like this, when I wonder, ‘how many more Springs will I see?’

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2 thoughts on “MARCH 10, 2015

  1. Barrie

    That wall: Brings cave paintings to mind. That photo has that kind of appeal. But I love your imagining vines making grooves over time.

    Wishing you many many more springs. Lovely photo, and lovely description of the silver green “spring urgency.”



  2. Richard

    I love your work and hate to talk about gear but I’m getting old and would like to minimize
    my equipment weight. Could you do what your doing with only one lens? An what length lens would this be?

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